I have a great portfolio of scientific and talks: biomedical ethics and history of medicine are my topics. You can request me for moderating an event, giving a keynote talk and tailoring a pubquiz to your audience.

Hannover Medical School (since 2021)

Ethics Seminars on End of Life

Biomedical Research Ethics

Medical Terminology (Seminars and Lectures)

Data Ethics in biomedical Data Science (since 2023)

How to breaking bad News in Medicine (since 2024)

Autonomy and Heteronomy in Midwifery Science (since 2024)

Ulm University (2016-2021)

Historical Seminars on Ancient Medicine and Politicized Medicine in the GDR

Historical Lectures on Ancient Medicine

Ethics Seminars on Ethics in the Medicine of Old Age, Ethical Case Analysis, Good Scientific Practice, and Research Ethics

Ethics Lectures on the Hippocratic Oath, Clinical Ethics, and Ethical Theories

Philosophical Seminars on Theory of Medicine (Health and Disease Concepts) and Medical Humanities

Preparation of Teaching Materials for Bioethics and Good Scientific Practice for Molecular Medicine (MA), History and Theory of Experiments (BA), Medical Terminology, Ancient Medicine, Theory of Medicine etc.

Workshop on „Zivilisations- und Wohlstandskrankheiten: Konzepte und Geschichte“ for the General Public


Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg (2015-2016)

Curricular Seminar on Ancient Medicine

Elective Seminar on Ancient Medicine

Lecture and Tutorial on Medical Terminology 


University of Potsdam (2015)

Workshop on „Die Internationalität unserer Nahrungsmittelpflanzen aus kulturgeschichtlicher Perspektive“ for Students of Economics (2 hrs)

Workshop on „Konzepte saisonalen und regionalen Nahrungsmittelkonsums“ for Students of Economics (2 hrs)


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